Stop and Smell the Flowers!!

Stop and Smell the Flowers!!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Recap of Jamie Eason's Livefit

Its DONE, OVER, FINISHED!!! I completed the trainer today. Let me recap before you get the results. For those who haven't been following me, although I make it pretty hard to NOT know what I'm doing via Facebook, I embarked on a fitness program 84 days ago. I came across Jamie Easons trainer on while I was searching for a challenge. Her program consists mainly of weight training and some cardio. Her first month doesn't include any cardio at all!!!! As a former cardio junkie, I couldn't fathom not doing cardio but I did it, I trusted the program with a little help from Jason of course and followed through. 

It was challenging and tough, but completely doable. Before I knew it I was feeling pretty badass at the gym and not missing my cardio at all. I missed 2 days when I hurt my back but I repeated those days when I got back in the gym. I was determined and dedicated. I trusted the process, which was difficult at times. She recommends a diet that is basically just clean eating which I had already been doing for a month. Good carb, healthy protein, veggies, and a little fat. Before embarking on her program I was eating Paleo so I did make some adjustments and introduced grains and dairy into my diet. I also upped my protein considerably. All said and done I followed the diet 90 % of the time. I did allow myself one cheat meal which I did not count my macros or calories. I had whatever I wanted and most times this even included an adult beverage or two. 

One more thing then I will get to the progress pics, because that's really why you came to this site today. This program has taught me a lot  but I would say the MOST important things I've learned were:
1. Diet is 70% responsible for your results
2. The numbers on the scale mean nothing!! Gauge your progress with BF %, measurements, and more importantly pictures. Pictures do not lie. 
3. Work your ass off, Lift heavy weights. You should be dripping with sweat after EVERY workout. 

Now the proof is in the lets get to it

Starting weight: 151
Weight now: 143.6

Starting BF 22%
BF now 19.2%

Lost inches of my stomach, thighs,and hips. I gained an inch on my arms. :)


I know! I know!! My face is hysterical in the middle one.. Like I'm going to kill your ass. Ok, so there!! Bathing suit pics like promised and you have NO idea how hard is was to post these.... so be NICE when you comment. OH, and YES I know my boobs are huge. :)

On to my next challenge.. I'm not done yet. Im about to be seriously bad ass. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Phase 1 Completed!!

I just started Phase 2 yesterday, welcome back cardio. Phase 1 just flew by...
I was totally planning on posting some progress pics but... but... but....theres really not too much difference. I had Jason take some pics and they were at a closer angle than the before ones, Im not sure if thats whats throwing me off or its just there really isnt that much difference. My dumb ass also decided I would take before pics in a bikini. Posting the pics without seeing substantial results makes me a little nauseaous to be honest. Why did someone not tell me to wear workout gear for my before pictures? Where are all my true friends? :)

I have lost about 5-6 lbs during this Phase and I really wasnt anticipating any scale movement. I had my body fat % done today and it hasnt budged. I truthfully dont get it. When I look in the mirror, I can see muscles I havent ever seen. I am lifting as heavy as I can go and Im sore nearly every day. So honestly, I dont know what gives. My diet is clean with the exception of ONE cheat meal a week. Nevertheless... im pressing on to Phase 2. Im ecstatic to add some cardio back into my life even though I have really come to love lifting. Heres hoping for some results....

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Getting ready for week 3

I'm still hanging in there! Tomorrow, I will officially be starting week 3!!! The beginning of last week was a serious struggle for me as you could probably tell from my last post. Ive come to some realizations that are making this journey a lot easier for me. The most important of which was this simple fact;  Eating clean and eating paleo are different, they are! The main difference is that clean eating includes dairy and grains which are exempt on  paleo. I really had to evaluate my goals and commit to one versus the other and based on my goals Ive chosen one... Any guesses?????

Grains are now my friend as is dairy. I know you're shocked!!! To build muscle, you have to eat ALOT of protein and I'm just unable to do so without the help of dairy and protein powders. It is what it is. I am still doing my best in efforts to be natural.. I found a whey protein that has no additives. I only choose Greek yogurt with no additives and minimal sugar. I still wont use splenda or any artificial sweeteners. I still prefer almond milk over regular milk. It actually has given me more choices when it comes to eating... and I'm totally digging that!!!

I'm eating ALOT more than I have been and dropping weight too, which I wasn't at all expecting in the first phase. I actually had Jason take a picture of me on the beach yesterday and was amazed to see such a difference compared to my "before" pictures. I'm feeling SUPER too!!! Totally digging NOT doing cardio and I'm really AMAZED at how much I'm enjoying weight lifting and I'm also super AMAZED at how strong I am. I'm already seeing results and this is totally motivating me to keep going!!!! There might even be some end of phase 1 pics coming soon.. :)

Sunday, April 7, 2013


If you know me, I mean REALLY know me, you know that once I make my mind up about something.. I tend to get a little...well there's no nice way to say it... Obsessed. So I have become slightly (cough) obsessed with this whole Livefit trainer. I want to do well. I want to get the best results possible. I would hate to waste 90 days of my life and walk away the same or worse. This leads me to my current dilemma!!

I cant follow the diet. I just cant fathom making homemade protein bars with 1/2c of stevia, truvia, or xyitol. I cant. I cant make myself drink whey protein with a million additives in which I cant pronounce the names. I shouldn't say I cant.... I wont. In order to get optimal results, I need to increase my protein intake drastically, this is such a hard thing to do without supplementing with protein powders and bars. So I'm left wondering what to do. Eat more chicken?? Do you know how much chicken I would have to eat to get 150 grams of protein? The answer is ALOT. Ive been lagging this week on my protein, I'm only getting half of whats recommended. Ive worried about what to do and even debated drinking the whey despite the crap in it. Ive driven my husband CRAZY trying to figure out what to do. I WANT the best results possible, I want to follow the program to a T. I WILL figure out a way. It's going to be challenging but that's my goal this week.. I will get the recommended protein.. Without compromising my paleo diet. WISH ME LUCK!!!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Onto New things... Well sort of!!

I have just a small infatuation with fitness and food lately. Have you noticed? Of course, of course you have. Well because I'm so infatuated with it all I'm constantly reading blogs, magazines, and searching the world wide web for more information. Lately Ive been obsessed with bodybuilding.

WAIT, before you think of women that look like this:

Instead, think of women that look like this:
Yes... this girl is just awesome. So I researched what it would take to get a body close to this. Here's the scoop:
1.Clean diet. You cant have a body like this when you're filling your face with a bunch of shit.
2. A lot of protein.1 gm per lb of body weight. That's ALOT of protein
3. Weights, weights, and more weights.

So, I set out on a mission. This week I started Jamie Easons Livefit program. The program is 90 days and focuses on making you strong and then making you lean The first month, only weight lifting!! Absolutely NO cardio! Are you kidding me? As a cardio junkie, I wavered back and forth and finally just decided to DO it. First week down, and I have spent far less time in the gym than I ever have... Which to me is just weird.. But I'm keeping my eye on the prize. I went off Paleo and incorporated brown rice, protein powder, and some dairy like cottage cheese and yogurt to help me get more protein.. EPIC FAIL. I have never been so sick... so its back to Paleo I go... Hoping I will still achieve good results!!! Time will tell friends, time will tell!!! 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Cheat day????

So I planned a cheat day after 32 days on Paleo, what better day to cheat than on St. Pattys day. It was great to indulge a little but I felt like poo the next day not to mention guilty as hell. With that being said, I still feel cheat days are important for your soul. :)

Im back on another round of 30 days but Ive made some pretty big changes, not necessarily to the diet. I have decided to NOT weigh myself for the next 30 days. 5 days into it, I can tell you this is a super hard task for me but I felt it needed to be done, so the scale is on vacation for 25 more days. Ive also decided not to log my food on Myfitnesspal. I have been a pretty steady logger for probably about a year because I believe it holds me accounatble, but what I noticed when I switched to Paleo was I was ALWAYS under my calories. In 30 days, I did not go over my recommended calorie amount once! Before making the switch to Paleo, it was very hard for me to stay within my calorie limit, its amazing how much youre able to eat when you eat REAL food. Instead of logging and focusing on a number Im just focusing on my body's cues for hunger. Im totally stoked to see what the end of these 30 days bring!! Healthy habits ROCK!

Friday, March 15, 2013

30 days done....

Yesterday marked the last day of my 30 day Paleo challenge. What do you think I did today? No, I didn't  run for the nearest brownie or a big slice of cheese pizza. In fact, I ate the exact way I've eaten for the last 30 days.

You wanna know my results right? I know you do....but you'll have to wait. First, I just want you to listen (read) what I've learned over the last 30 days.

I've learned:

1. When I make my mind up about something I follow through without fail!
2. I look forward to salads, I used to hate them
3. Brownies don't have the appeal they once did
4. Diet Coke is essentially poison.
5. Eating healthy is expensive but not eating healthy will cost you a lot more in the long run.
6.You get more bang for your calories if you choose to eat the right things.
7. The food you put in your body determines how much energy you have.
8. People are negative about things they don't understand... It's not just a diet, it's a lifestyle. If you choose not to do it, I will not judge you,so don't judge me! 

Let me elaborate a little further on number 8. Many of you feel I don't need to lose any weight because I'm already too skinny; I just want to say you've never seen me naked or even in a bathing suit for that matter. Every time you scold me about being too skinny, losing too much weight, or turning down junk food, I'm secretly flipping you the finger! I've thought many times that the next time you say something to me about my weight I'm just going to flash you with my stomach, maybe that will shut you up. I by no means think I'm obese. I know I am at a healthy weight. I also knew I needed to clean up my diet to get optimal results. I have religiously counted calories and worked out consistently for the last two years, it works but without the proper diet the results are not optimal.

Now that that's out of the way. (Drumroll please)

In 30 days, I lost 7.8 lbs and 4.5 inches. I feel healthier than I've ever felt! I've been able to stop my blood pressure medication. I'm no longer struggling to stay within a certain number of calories, I just eat when I'm hungry, I just choose the right foods. You know what I'm talking about right? Nothing processed, nothing in a box, whole yummy natural foods! My hubs also lost weight, 12 lbs and 6 inches in 30 days. He too feels awesome! While I won't judge you for not eating the right foods , I would encourage and even challenge you to eat Paleo for 30 days, you will be amazed how you feel when those 30 days are up!  Thank you to my  buds Ana and Sarah who encouraged me to try it and answered all my questions. I owe you girls!

Here's to a happy healthy life!!!

Monday, March 11, 2013


Yes, I've been a super slacking blogger lately but in my defense, I was husbandless for 2 weeks. I know, I know, totally not a good excuse but anywho....
This Friday, I will be officially Paleo for 30 days and I cant wait to share my results with you. NOT NOW!! You have to wait till friday. :)

The last week and a half I have been crazy dizzy especially when getting up from one position into  another, Get your mind out of the gutter! I meant from sitting to standing, lying down to sitting up, etc. etc. I know from working in Cardiology for 14+ years that this can be caused from low blood pressure. Me, have low blood pressure? Impossible! Ive been on medication for blood pressure since I was 21. However, I did not take my pill yesterday and got a BP check today. It was in fact low... even without the pill. Im sure the low pressure in conjunction with the pill have been the cause for my dizzy spells. I did some reaserch, there are several articles where people have lowered their blood pressure on paleo. Is it possible I wont have to be on BP meds any longer? Only time will tell!!! Whoot Whoot!

Thursday, February 28, 2013


Just two weeks into it and i realized I had some major milestones this past week! Wanted to just share them with you. Short and sweet, PROMISE,

1. I am now drinking black coffee and I actually like the taste! When I first started this challenge i thought almond milk would surfice as a creamer substitute. It didn't, I thought it watered it down. So then I tried coconut milk, another EPIC fail. What's a girl to do? I considered doing what a lot of Paleoans do...make a small exception but... Well I am determined. I switched to tea. I can totally drink tea black, problem solved. THEN... I just missed my coffee. In my desperation for REAL caffeine, I grabbed a cup of black coffee. Huh, it's not that bad I thought. Here I am 3 days later drinking it and enjoying it!

2. I turned down cake this week! Cake! Chocolate cake! It's not as if I've NEVER turned down cake before but this time was different because I actually DID NOT want it. It did not even appeal to me. Who would have thunk it?

3. Americans revolve EVERYTHING around food, this is not a milestone but more of a revalation of sorts. Think about it! Birthday party? hmmm I wonder if they are going to have food and I wonder if they will have that awesome crack dip I love so much. Beach day? Lets bring some yummy subs and my favorite buffalo chips! Game night? Drinks and appetizers. Its never good for you foods! Just think about it....

Ok... Maybe this wasn't as short as first intended but the thought was TOTALLY there!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Bad Mood Rant!!!

This weekend was interesting. Alcohol, alcohol everywhere! I turned down alcohol on Friday night and then again on Saturday night. I felt good about it and really didn't feel a NEED to have a drink. For me, drinking is more of a social thing. I drink because other people are and it's just the natural thing to do. People who drink are deemed more fun. I myself have been in the presence of a couple non drinkers at parties and they can be rather dud-ish. Now I'm the dud. Lol! Kind of ironic since I'm the ultimate judge of those who don't like to have a drink. People's reaction to Jason and I's not drinking along with their reaction to our chosen way to eat is quite frankly irritating.Why do they care? 

No one is forcing me to eat like this, no one is forcing me to not drink, and no one is forcing me to go to the gym. I am doing this because I want to. I am doing this to challenge myself. I'm doing this to be healthier. I am taking care of the only body God gave me. Do not feel sorry for me that I CAN'T have pizza and beer because its not that I can't have it, it's that I am CHOOSING NOT to have it!  We all have choices, this is a choice. So back the fuck off!
OK, rant over!

The last 3 days....

I have been ridiculously busy the last 3 days and haven't blogged which I hate because I'm bound to leave stuff out! I will try my best. I got through a WHOLE weekend without drinking! Now I know I just made myself sound like a true alcoholic but I'm not. I do however like to kick back some drinks with friends on the weekend or have a couple glasses of wine with the hubs. Not ONE drink and I can honestly say it wasn't that painful. I do find the way people react to my non drinking slightly humorous! It's almost a crime to say "I'm not drinking". This must be what recovering alcoholics feel like once thrown back into the mix of things!

Moving on... This "lifestyle" can get pretty damn expensive and it takes a lot of prep work. The days of grabbing a box out of the kitchen and calling it dinner are gone but the way I feel after a week of doing it, it's totally worth it! I just feel good. ;) I'm learning what works as far as meals go and it is getting easier. I should note that I lost 7 freaking pounds this week! 7! 7! That's enough to keep me going. I haven't felt super deprived and its amazing how much you can eat for so little calories when you eat "real" food!

My only beef with Paleo so far is every time I try to research something I find conflicting info. Some people drink wine, eat SOME dairy, eat chocolate as long as its dark, and I have even seen some calling potatoes Paleo friendly! Those are all no no's right? Right? There are some super strict Paleo ers as well who frown upon even eating fruit!  It's crazy and at times I'm so confused but I'm just gonna keep on keepin on. ;) Till my next rant..........

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Days 3 and 4

Yesterday was pretty awesome! I guess I had a good Paleo day ;) I'm pretty sure it's because I started my day with an awesome Paleo friendly smoothie that I concocted! It was the bomb people, THE BOMB! I really didn't miss anything!

Fast forward to today....
Have you ever been to Fresh Market? I LOVE that place....until Paleo! That place was torture. We went in to get these awesome burgers to grill. Standing all excitedly at the meat counter ready to order the burgers, I look down and notice they ALL have some type of cheese in them. *sigh* I turn to J and say "but..but, there's noth THAT much cheese in them." He looks at me and promptly says "it's not Paleo"  Yay for J! I would have bought those burgers and ate them! Feeling victorious as I walk out with sirloin burger, iceberg lettuce, and almond butter, I walk over to those girls at the Girl Scout stand selling those freaking delicious cookies and purchase a box that the kids had been begging me to buy. I hand the box to them and tell them to enjoy!

I got this. ;)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines to Me.... Uh NOT

Day 2...

Lets see.. its Valentines Day and I can have NO chocolate and well quite frankly that just saddens me. I have eaten a ton of fruit trying to curb my sweet tooth but really Im still dreaming of the Godiva someone gave me earlier that I promptly got rid of. Yes, you read it right I GAVE AWAY Godiva, its un American I know. Ive also turned down the cookies, cakes, doughnuts, and brownies that my nice coworkers made for Valentines Day. They taunt me everytime I have to get one of my patients. Oh, and my lunch.... sucked. I didnt want to eat grilled chicken salad 2 days in a row!!!

Yes People.... Day 2 sucks!!!!
I got this.. I got this.... I got this.... Repeat after me and help in trying to convince me I got this. :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Ive decided to do it!! Im jumping on the Paleo bandwagon and Im pretty damn excited about it (keep in mind this is day 1). I have lost about 20-25 lbs but my body is still not where I want it to be so in a last ditch effort I thought.. why not? As a serious carb addict, Im pretty convinced this will be the hardest damn thing I have ever done but Im up for a challenge AND the hubs is doing it  with me!!! YAY, for a support network!!!

Im not feeling too deprived at this moment but again.. its day 1. Heres what Im thinking I will miss
1. Diet Coke/ Coke Zero. (Im a one a day drinker)
2. Creamer in my coffee. Today I substituted with Almond milk. Its doable but definitely NOT the same.
3. Chocolate.. because who wouldnt miss chocolate?
4. Alcohol on the weekends.
5. Sandwiches...

But I got this..... Stay tuned for bitching and hopefully amazing results. :)