Stop and Smell the Flowers!!

Stop and Smell the Flowers!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

My thoughts about Sundays!!!

Sunday.... we loathe it because it's an official reminder that our weekend is OVER!! Sunday simply says, "Haha, it's back to the grind tomorrow". Sunday reminds us that work,school, and deadlines, await us. With its laughter comes speed; it's always amazing how fast Sunday flies by!!! Yes, like the rest of you, I have been known to loathe Sunday... until recently that is.

My family and I have been spending our Sunday mornings at church. Ok before I go on, I want you to please place your right hand underneath your chin and push your mouth closed. Yes, I know it's shocking, especially to those that know me as the "non organized religion" type of girl. Even more shocking than me stepping foot into a church, is the fact that I truly enjoy going!!! It has changed Sundays for me! I look forward to Sunday. Sunday lately has brought a sense of clarity as well as peace within me. It's a feeling that is hard to describe. It's an awesome feeling, like the kind of feeling you have on the first day of your much needed vacation.

So Sunday is almost over and the week ahead is jam packed with things I have to get done, an interview I hope to ace, and trying to squeeze some exercise time in. Even knowing these things await me, I still feel relaxed and happy. I have spent my Sunday exactly as I have wanted. I feel at peace and ready for whatever the week brings me. HAPPY SUNDAY FRIENDS!!!!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Just a Reminder!!!!!

"We do not remember days; we remember moments"

There's nothing more exciting than having things to look forward to. I love the feeling that something new and exciting awaits me. Come to think of it, it's the one reason I LOVE moving. It's a fresh start, with new beginnings, and brand new experiences. Life is not about money,success, or material possessions, but is more about experiences and making memories.

If I could only leave one thing behind when I die, It would be happy memories. I hope my friends, family, and children remember the hysterical times of laughter we had together. I hope my children remember all of our travels and take away something important from each one of the places we've lived and all the different people we've met.

There are times when I get caught up in the hustle and bustle of this crazy thing called life. I focus on making more money, having a clean house,and just keeping life in order. This my friends, isn't what lifes about. People who truly love you, don't care if you make tons of money, have a clean house, or have everything together. So today I just wanted to remind all of you (and myself) to make the happiest memories you possibly can because they will be all that's left and all that really matters once you're gone.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Really Y'all????

You all know by now that Jacob is a pure genius, but on occasion he will come home from school telling me that he really doesn't understand what is being taught. As luck would have it, I am normally smarter than a 4th grader and can help him to understand. The week before last however, I proved that I was not smarter than a 4th grader.
I couldn't help the little man with his hmwk. I just didn't get it! Yes, I have 3 college degrees but I couldn't get "generalizing". I had Jason look at it, he didn't get it either. At this point, I did what I would like to think most parents would do, I emailed the teacher for help. She did not respond and to be honest, I just kind of forgot about it. Fast forward to this morning.... My son in tears because he still doesn't understand and he is going to be tested on Friday. Now for those of you that don't personally know my son, this may seem a little extreme, but Jacob is like me 100%. When he sets the bar, he sets it high. He doesn't want to ruin his straight A streak. I can completely relate!! Jacob and I don't do  "average".  I tell him not to worry and I will email the teacher.

Fast forward to her response.... "Y'all do not need to be stressing about the generalizations" Some kids get it and others don't. There will only be 2 questions on the test regarding generalizations so he shouldn't be so worried because even if he misses all of them, its only 2.."

Now my response.... First... Y'all isn't really a word that should  be used in an email to a parent. Second.. I really don't care if its one question or ten, my child is asking for help. I don't give a shit that the test only consists of 2 questions, when a child doesn't understand something... its your job to see that he understands it. 

Really? WTF? I'm left thinking.... This is why Alabama has earned its place in the top 10 states with the worst education system. Is this what we teach them? Don't worry about understanding it, you can still make a B. Eff that! Some people strive to understand, IMAGINE THAT. I really wanted to email her back just this one line


I know every school system has its bad and its good teachers.... but this to me is just pure laziness... and this is whats teaching your children but Hey Y'all..... Its OK to be average!!!!  :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

The apple doesnt fall far from the tree!!!!

All of you who know me well are very aware at just how super smart I am! Yes, its true that at one time "people"( you know who you are) convinced me  it was possible to take a ferry from Hawaii to Alaska, but nevertheless I'm smart! Not common sense smart, but the nerdy bookworm smart, the 3.96 college gpa smart!!!

I have been known a time or two (severe underestimation) to brag about how smart my children are. Jacob is in 4th grade and reads at an 8th grade level. Sierra whizzes through kindergarten homework( that my fellow parents complain is too hard) in a matter of 10 minutes. Yes, Ive said it time and time again.... My kids are smart. They're more than smart actually, they are the BEST! They have yet to disappoint me on any level. I can only help but be proud of what awesome human beings they are.

I never thought it was possible to be prouder of them than I already am, but today I realized it was possible. I got news today that Jacob was accepted into the gifted program and I could not be prouder of him. He is a great kid who has brought home straight A's without fail since the day he started Kindergarten. I was ecstatic that his hard work has paid off!!! Just wanted to share this great news with you guys and remind you one more time....."MY KIDS ARE SOOOO SMART"