Stop and Smell the Flowers!!

Stop and Smell the Flowers!!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas is OVER.. Let the New Year Begin!!!

Christmas was a huge success at the Smith household. Everyone was happy and I was fortunate enough to score an Ipad from my dear hubby, :) While the holiday was perfect, I'm soooo glad its over. We spend a good solid month stressing about what to get people and how much to spend. I for one go over my "set limit" EVERY year. As much as we put into it, it is still over in a matter of 30 minutes. I know you all know what I'm talking about. How do kids tear through all that damn wrapping paper so fast? I cant wait until my kids KNOW I'm the one buying, maybe then my 7 year old will think before she gives me her Christmas list totaling items over 1000.00 bucks. Even if she doesn't, I will be allowed to rebuke "Are you out of your effing mind?" LOL. 

Now its on to the New Year and I am highly enthused about that. The end of December is a time to reflect on all the things that went wrong during the year and what we want to change in the upcoming year.. Ah, resolutions. I for one LOVE resolutions.I took a look back at my 2011 resolution blog. While I didn't exactly list out my resolutions, I did state some changes I would like to make. How did I stack up you ask? Surprisingly, not too bad. Like many of you, I aimed to lose weight in 2011, and I did. That's right, I made the gym a HABIT and watched what I ate MOST of the time. The results yielded a 15 lb weight loss. HOORAY ME! I promised to make more time for me in 2011 and I also did that! I learned this year that I love to write, I love to bake, and I love feeling fit. I love the handful of close friends that I have and have tried to have more one on one time with them. I have also made date nights a priority with Jason and as a result, we have become even closer than before(yes, that's possible). 

Alongside my resolution successes are my resolution failures. My biggest failure this year was career related. If you can remember my 2011 resolution blog, I went on and on about feeling so lucky to have a job, so fortunate that I bluntly stated I would no longer complain about my job. HAHAHA. Really, that resolution lasted at best, 2 months. What can I say? I have career related issues as in .... I don't know what I wanna be when I grow up. :) (This is not where you chime in to tell me that I am grown up;I'm fully aware)

So I'm thinking.... thinking of changes Id like to make in 2012. You'll just have to wait till the next blog to find out what they are. :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Is it just my observation or do the rest of you notice a more profound number of people expressing their thanks this year? I logged onto Facebook today and saw at least 20 posts of people listing things they are thankful for. I guess its not all that uncommon, but this year I feel people really ARE thankful. Their words seem genuine. Maybe Americans are a little humbled this year, I know I for one am definitely humbled. So without further a do, here is my Thankful List.

  • I'm incredibly thankful to have found my soul mate and lucky enough to have married him.
  • I'm thankful for my daughter, she is vibrant, funny, smart, and most important, healthy.
  • I'm thankful for my son, who is a mini me. He has the biggest heart of any child I've ever met.
  • I'm an thankful for my parents, without them I would not be who I am today.
  •  I'm thankful for my mother's wonderful listening skills and her wise advise. 
  • I'm thankful for my siblings who make it easy to be "mom's favorite". LOL
  • I'm thankful for my friends. Its nice to have somewhere to turn when your husband and mother are sick of you.
  • Although I often complain of its monotony,I'm thankful to have a career that makes it possible to provide for my family and at the same times provides me with an opportunity to help people. 
  • I'm thankful to have a relationship with god that is not dictated by any organization.
  • I'm thankful for my health. 
I'm sure I'm thankful for more, but these are some of the top things weighing on my mind lately. Its unfortunate people use one day out of the year to say their thanks out loud. We should all be expressing our thanks through words and actions on a daily basis. I hope all of you have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My Gramp!

Its funny how a smell, a saying, or even a look, can make you remember someone who has passed. Today, I had a patient who reminded me of my grandfather. I started to travel down memory lane, something I haven't done in a long long time and I realized its been 10 years since he passed. He died when I was living in North Carolina and I was about 4 months pregnant with my first child. His last years were miserable! He was in and out of nursing homes, hospitals, and his final stop.. hospice.

I visited him every night when he was in the nursing home. I hated to see him struggle to breathe, I hated the in and out admissions to the hospitals,and when he passed I found great comfort in knowing he would no longer suffer. I spent a lot of time with him when he became ill, we became closer than we ever had been.  I can still remember his smile, his laugh,and his smart ass remarks. I remember him telling me over and over again... "those eyes". He loved my eyes and always made a big deal about them. When I was fretting over something, he always reassured me it would work itself out and I shouldn't sweat the small stuff. I am just now getting better at taking that advice.

He was a  funny guy who called women broads, loved his Sanka coffee, and often rolled his eyes at his wife when she was bitching, which she routinely did. He always made me feel special, especially in his last years; years he was struggling. He wasn't a perfect man, but he was a great man. Damn, I miss him!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Jacob's 10th Birthday!!!

I cant believe my baby boy turned 10! Seriously, where does the time go? This year he didn't want a REAL party. He said he just wanted to have a couple friends over, maybe hit a movie,and then have a sleepover. Oh and absolutely NO GAMES. He is too old for games. Hmph, what fun is any of that?

I did convince him to have a "campout party". Then Jason suggested we could do a little scavenger hunt for the boys. Sounded like a great idea to me. We had 7 boys total. Jason was patient enough to take them all to see Planet of the Apes. Then we came back and had some pizza, went on a scavenger hunt, and made some smores. Jake told me at one point during the night, that this was the best birthday party he has ever had. Mission Accomplished!!!

The cutest cake, Ive ever seen

 Fun in the pool with friends

 Even a pool doesn't keep kids from wanting to play in the sprinkler. :)

 Pizza Time!!!!

 The Campout Crew!!!!

 Scavenger hunting!!!

 Whats in this bag???

 Gift time!! Thanks Everyone!!

 Ending the night with a little Smore action.

Gaining Control!

Saying August was a busy month seems like a drastic understatement! I feel like my head has been spinning in so many different directions. We had two birthdays in the Smith family this month, kids started back to school, and 4 days a week you can find us at the soccer field. I am happy to report that things have started to settle down. (YAY!!!!!!!!) They have settled down enough for me to sit down and blog about the months happening. I do apologize if these blogs seem a bit mediocre, I'm so much better  blogging in the present. Blogging about the past rarely does the blog justice, but I shall try. ......

Jason turned 35 last month and I decided to throw him a birthday get together at the house. You know the drill, "its just going to be a small get together". I don't do small, I don't know why I continue to convince myself I do. So instead of a small get together we had a Mexican Fiesta Bash, Complete with Margaritas,enchiladas,pinata bashing, and pin the tail on the Jackass (aka Jason). I would be lying if I said I didn't stress over this party, but in the end Jason was happy and we had a great great time.
The Birthday Boy

Mocktail Margaritas for the kiddies.
 Me spinning Jason for pin the tail on the jackass... I couldn't stop laughing. I will have you know ALL adults were subject to playing. More pics on FB.

He would pin it there!!! I think maybe he could see....

Pinata Time... The adults never got a turn......

  Sombrero Toss anyone????

 The awesome,yummy, delicious, cake!!!

I'm alive, Im alive.

I have been a true slacker lately. Not just a blog slacker, but an overall slacker. My only excuse which I know all of you are quite familiar with, Ive been busy!!! Too busy to read, blog, cook,workout,eat right,clean my closet,etc, etc. I think you probably get the point. So this blog is intended for me to regain control of my busy life and update you on the last month or so.....

I would be wrong not to blog about our vacation to Cape San Blas. If you haven't been to Cape San Blas, I recommend you go very soon.At the end of July, the family and I loaded up in the car and drove about 3 hours to our destination, a beach house on Cape San Blas. I have always wanted to stay in a beach house and the experience did not disappoint me. Sun, fun, and family...what more can one ask for? Here are some of my favorite pics.

The whole family hanging out in Apalachicola. Checking out the shops and grabbing some lunch.

 Time for some night time fishing. This was interrupted by the hatching of sea turtles. Super cool experience for the kids to see. Would have taken some pics but NO LIGHTS allowed, it scares the turtles.

 I love first times. This is me testing out the mushy water that I would  be scalloping in. I had never been scalloping. It was a little gross but fun. :)

 One of many perfect sunsets,we got to see while we were there.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Deep Sadness!!!

Tonight I noticed my answering machine blinking so I hit play and what I heard brought me to tears.Jacob's classmate Tyler, lost his fight with cancer Thursday night. Everyone in this community knows who Tyler is. He was the cutest little kid who always seemed happy despite his illness. I still remember the day Jacob saw his picture in the Sunday paper and then he read the caption underneath which talked about his battle with cancer. He said " I feel so bad for him mom, will he die". What can you say really? I said what any parent would say. "Hopefully he will get better with the treatment, and please don't treat him differently because he doesn't need to be reminded that he has cancer".

We are so blessed. I got down on my knees tonight and thanked god for blessing me with two healthy children. Although they can drive us batty, children are so special. Hug them, kiss them, shower them with love and thank god for everyday you get to spend with them.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My "Real Dad"

For some reason,  I have been thinking alot about my dad, not my step dad, but my real dad. I say "real dad" loosely as my step dad has always been my "real dad". He was always the one who was there. He made sure I had clothes, food, and a house to live in. He was there when I needed him to be and although a quiet man, I never doubted his love for me or my sister.

So back to the "real dad" or maybe biological father is a better term. Wait, before I go any further, I should throw out this disclaimer..." I am not intending to hurt anyone on that side of the family whether it be my stepmother, father, step siblings, or cousins. This is my blog and I'm voicing my opinion". There, now that's out of the way.....

I guess Ive been thinking about him because of the recent pics of him on my step sisters facebook page. I don't know how he lives with himself knowing he basically abandoned his first two kids. His story was always the same... It was my mothers fault for moving us to Florida (he lives in Mass). Interestingly, we lived in Mass till I was 13, and he and my mom split when I was 2. While we did see him on the occasional weekend, it wasn't consistent until he met my current step mom. I really believe she is the reason we got picked up many weekends. All of my good memories are really centered around her, not my dad.What was his excuse before we moved to Florida?  I can tell you in my adult life, I have plenty of friends who's ex husbands live out of state, yet they still manage to see their kids. They spend entire summers, Christmas vacations, and spring breaks with their dads. I can count on both hands the number of times my father has called me to wish me a happy birthday, merry Christmas, or happy new year in my whole entire life. I couldve picked up the phone and called him and I used to until I realized that every time we talked he still had no idea what I do for a living, what my kids names were, or what my husband's name is. The minute I would start talking about my life, he would interrupt to tell me about his. I quit calling.

Last time I talked to my dad on the phone was 4 years ago when my step mom called to tell me he was in the hospital due to liver/kidney problems. My dad was an alcoholic. She told me it was really bad, so I called, and the minute I did, I got that same sickening feeling in my stomach. The feeling of a forced conversation. I decided right then and there, that we might as well just accept that while he is my biological father, there is no bond there. Talking to him is no different than talking to a complete stranger. Harsh words, but true. He missed the opportunity to bond with me a long time ago. I do blame him because he was the adult. Yes, I am an adult now, but when his love mattered the most, I was just a kid.

After his hospital incident, he became sober. I believe he still is. The last time I saw him was last year at my grandmother's funeral. Awkward, both of us trying to fake it. It was more than uncomfortable. I would've thought with 3-4 years sobriety under his belt, he would have maybe regretted the way he shunned my sister and I...all because we moved to Florida. You would've thought he would pick up the phone and call to wish me a happy birthday. Nope, nothing.

Today, I am proud of who I am and I know that he didn't have a damn thing to do with it. He cant take credit for the awesome family I have, my well behaved children, my 3 college degrees, my moral values. He cant take credit for the person I am at all. I have formed my own opinions of him as he has probably formed his own of me. My mother or step father never spoke a bad word about him EVER. They didn't have to because over time he has shown me all the things they probably wanted to say. He has shown me he is a heartless and selfish individual. Anyone who can turn their back on their kids the way he did, is in my opinion ..heartless. He had 5 more kids after us, so maybe it made it easier, I don't know. I'm sure he was a great dad to them, but to me and my sister he was anything but great.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Puppy Update!

Can you say freakin nightmare? I surely can! I don't know what the hell I was thinking, because prior to this week, I had a great life. Two great kids, a great husband, great friends, and a great dog. Please tell me why I did not listen to all of you who pleaded with me NOT to get the puppy.

Let me tell you what my week of the new dog has been like. Jason goes to pick up the puppy from getting spade, when he gets there he is told the pup has kennel cough and is given antibiotics. No problem, right? He also notes the puppy is scratching so I stop at the vet and pick up some flea medicine. We put the medicine on, play with "Julie". Like all pups, she decides she has to do a number 2, guess what we find? Tapeworms. Disgusting. I make an appt to take her to the vet. The evening finally ends with me seeing fleas swarm her head and non stop barking when I put her in her crate for the evening. Definitely not the happy exciting day I thought it would be.  *sigh*.

Fast forward past the dewormer the vet gives me and the bombing of my house, just in case any fleas didn't die. Julie becomes so ill on Friday that I have to take her back to the vet. She is not eating or drinking ,or playing, and she has blood in her stool. I personally was thinking parvo. I was pretty upset about it. I was put at ease however,  when the vet told me she didn't have parvo, but its likely just the kennel cough. $151.00 bucks later, I'm sent home with two cans of food and another antibiotic, she was also given an injectable antibiotic. 

Two days later, she doesn't seem to be getting better. She is peeing in her crate which is frustrating bc I thought dogs would not do this. The accidents in my house are few, mainly because she is never out of my sight, which is exhausting in itself. The barking in the crate has subsided some, but she is persistent with the barking at 5 a.m., when she is letting me know she is ready to get out of the crate. Its only been a week, and I cant help but think I've made a HUGE mistake. This dog is not only sick, but is also wreaking havoc on my once "normal" easy life *sigh* Don't any of you DARE say "I told you so"!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Stressing like a MOFO....

So I'm mainly writing this blog hoping that your words may help me deal with what I'm about to do. I did something VERY VERY horrible. I didn't keep my mouth shut!!! I know what you're thinking... what else is new and well you're right but I'm about to tell you the magnitude of what it has caused.

Sierra has been wanting a pet for a LONG LONG time. First it was a turtle, then it was a bunny, then a hermit crab, and the latest... a puppy that she can hold. I am completely against bunnies;Ive had one and all I can say is they smell and good luck trying to really "play" with a bunny. Turtles and hermit crabs also rank amongst "worst pets ever", at least in my book. Thus leaving the puppy.

Why did I go online and look at all the puppies the shelter has? Why did I even show her the pictures? We saw the cutest puppy ever, a small breed dog. He is black and white and she said "can I get him because he's so cute and I wanna call him Oreo", very clever indeed. I MAY have said "yes, Sierra...hes so cute, we should get him"

At first I think it will be fun... then puppy reality sets in and I realize my life will be hell for at least 6 months. I try to back out, but it's too late. She has told everyone, she is getting Oreo tomorrow. *sigh*. I try to say let me give you a 100 bucks instead of the dog, the reply.."NO, i want the dog". I beg for her to get the bunny, the reply...NO, I want the dog. This child is not budging. I go to the store she buys the dog toys, I get the dog a crate.....

Then I decide to just tell her we cant get the dog, it is going to be TONS of work and I'm not sure I am up for it. Then she does what Sierra does, hits me where it hurts. Not literally hits me, but uses harsh words that went something like this..."you and dad told me I could get it, I told everyone, and now I look like a liar. You guys always tell me something and then you take it back" What i heard was...You are a horrible excuse for a mother. What she said hurts because its true. We talk her out of things we promise her ALL the time.

So now I'm sitting here fretting... What would a good mom do? A good mom would make good on her word and follow through no matter how painful it might be. So peeps, a puppy it is. Wish me lots of patience and luck, I know I am going to need it. On the bright side, Shaggy will have the friend we've been promising and the puppy stage doesn't last forever...RIGHT????

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Can You Say STOKED!!!!

Four years ago, my husband and I ensued in a court battle with his (dare I say it), stepmother. Some of you reading this already know the story but for those who dont,  I will try to keep it brief. Jason's father passed away 4 years ago when we were stationed in Hawaii, he did not have a will. Under normal circumstances, the property would go to the wife for the rest of her life and then after she passed, it would then go to the children of the deceased.

Under normal circumstances, clearly not the case here. This evil woman knew that she would be unable to sell the property if this happened so what she did is forged a quick claim deed, leaving the property all to herself and none in the dads name. The day of my father in laws funeral, (actually 15 minutes before it was about to start), she filed this deed at the courthouse. Now if thats not the sign of a grieving widow, I dont know what is. LOL. This is where the fight ensued.

It really wasnt about the property, it was more about the principle. The night of his funeral the grieving widow told me she was gonna drink it up and puke bright colors because he was FINALLY gone. I have a friend who can attest to this. We both stood there baffled. She was selling all of his things to crackheads the very next day after his funeral; again,surely the sign of a grieving widow. She even took money towards the sale of the property, property she did not have the right to sell.  Did I  mention that she had not lived with my father in law in over a year?

As the lawsuit ensued, she alleged we stole money from her, stole items from her house, and maintained her defense that my father in law had no relationship with his sons. Allegation after allegation was like a kick in the stomach. I soon realized that this piece of trash would stoop to the lowest level and then dive below that.

She messed up though, you see, she did not expect a fight. In fact, I believe her exact words were "try to sue me, spend all your money, and I will still have this property". Well we did sue her, we did spend ALOT of money fighting her, but we also now have rights to that property. Sure she gets to live there for the rest of her life, but after that, the property goes to my husband and his brother. I am so very happy today for many reasons. There were times over the last 4 years that I did just want to throw in the towel, but then i remembered, my husband has lost both his parents by the age of 31. He was fighting for something he believed in. His dad although he never wrote it down, made his wishes very clear to my husband. He was fighting for what his dad wanted. He was fighting for something that meant everything to him, a piece of his parents. Im truly happy for my husband and I know that both of his parents looked down upon him today proudly!

P.S. I'm glad she got exactly what was coming to her. :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Being a Working Parent is HARD!!!!

For years, stay at home moms and working moms have bantered about who really works harder. Is it the stay at home mom who is with her children every moment of the day or is it the mom who works 8 hrs and then comes home to work another 6 hours? I have been on both sides of the fence, although the staying at home part was only for a year. I can tell you that they are both difficult at times and tonight was one of those nights where I was harshly punished for being a working mother. How? As I tucked my six year old in, she was crying because she wants to spend more time with me. Ahhhh, the guilt of a working mother  never goes away. Its the guilt that just keeps giving.

I'm sure most working mothers would agree that we as parents find it difficult to say no at times, buy more toys than we should, and maybe even put up with a little more than the average mom. We do these things largely out  of guilt;we do it to compensate for the lack of hours we spend  with them. On the same note,we spend more quality time with our kids because we know that we only have a few hours before its bedtime. We let the laundry, the dishes, and the floors wait, until after bedtime. We listen intently, laugh alot, and play, because we know this little window of time is valuable.

I don't regret my decision to have a career. I know that I am teaching my daughter that there is nothing wrong with being a strong independent woman. There is nothing wrong with having a career and a family, after all men do it all the time. There are three qualities a working mom must have: Great time management skills, ability to multi task with ease, and a TOUGH heart for moments like today! Its always heartbreaking when your child tells you that you're not the supermom you think you are.

So tonight, I reassure her that I love her WAY MORE than my career,way more than anything really. I promise fun times this weekend with no bedtime. I give her a kiss and hope that we wont have this heartbreaking talk again anytime soon. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Case of the Missing Lost Tooth!!

With 3 more days left of Kindergarten, Sierra has FINALLY lost a tooth. She has been trying the entire year! Every time someone in her class lost a tooth she would come home devising ways to take out her own. Antics ranged from eating 2 apples a day to having Shaggy pull it out for her. That's right! I was involved in something one day when i heard her at our back door yelling at the dog to "GO" . She was on her hands and knees and when I investigated a little further, I noticed she had tied floss around her tooth and the other end was around the dogs collar!! Once I was able to control my laughter, I asked what in the world she was thinking??? Her response "I have to lose a tooth". Her determination comes as no surprise to me because she is MY daughter.

So today it happens and she was completely beside herself. We got home and she ran to put it underneath her pillow. I told her the tooth fairy would only take it if it was in an envelope which I then ASSUMED she got one. About an hour later, she comes to me saying she cant find her tooth!! What do you mean you cant find it? Didn't you put it in the envelope? The response of course was  NO. Well where did you leave it I ask, then we try to retrace the steps... NO TOOTH. Her solution was first to try to pull out another tooth but when I explained this wasn't an option she settled for a letter to the tooth fairy which she wrote herself.
(The diamond she's referring to is actually a little toy gem.)

She then asks if I think the tooth fairy will still leave her some $$$$$. I tell her I don't know, usually the tooth fairy just takes teeth. So the search continues, tears fall, and I find "a" tooth. Now this tooth wasn't the one she lost, it is actually Jacob's tooth. LMAO!! You see, I  write my kids letters every year on their birthdays and I had saved Jake's first tooth along with his letters. Who knew it would come in handy??? I know its wrong, but whats a mom to do? I can tell you that in Sierra's pile of letters that she will receive on her 18th bday, will be a letter in place of her first tooth; a letter about the case of her first lost tooth!!!!!

Thought this was way too funny not to share!!!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

End of the world???

Well yesterday came and went and after an awesome day at the beach, I as well as all my family and friends still appear to be here. I have to say that NO part of me believed the world was ending on May 21,2011. After all, the bible clearly states we wont know the time, day, year when the world comes to an end. Can you believe that people quit their jobs because some 89 yr old said the world was going to end? Freakin Crazy!!!

In light of all this talk about the world ending, I've found myself thinking about all the natural disasters that have occurred in 2011. There have been ALOT of them with the majority causing major devastation and the year is not even half over yet. I personally am dreading hurricane season!!! What is the cause of these disasters and devastation? Is it global warming or is God really trying to give us warning??? Just something to ponder........

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers Day!!!

Being a mom is the most important job Ive ever had and its also the most rewarding one.  Jacob and Sierra have brought me more smiles and laughs than I ever knew was possible. They have taught me lessons about life without ever saying a word; kids have a way of doing that! On this mothers day, my son made me this awesome awesome cake!!! I cant believe he did the decorating himself.

 Sierra wrapped up half of her toys and gave them to me because that's what she does. The best part was this note that came with the gifts

My loving husband got me any awesome photo hanging jewelery box!

You don't realize until you have children yourself how much your mom really loves you. You will never understand the sacrifices she made for you or the tears she has cried for you until you become a mother. I wanted to say a little THANK YOU to my mother.

To this day, she has remained my rock. She has been my cheerleader when I was ready to give up. She has been my psychotherapist during times of breakdowns. She has given me wisdom, not with her words but with her actions. I cant imagine a day where she isn't just a phone call away. She is an amazingly strong woman, a woman I admire. She has gone from being just my mother to being one of my very best friends. I cant imagine life without her. Thanks for everything MOM! You are a truly amazing woman!

I know I am blessed to not only have the kids I do, but also to have my mom still around. I know there are many of you that aren't able to pick up the phone and call your mom. Just know that on this mothers day, your mothers are looking down from heaven,smiling because they are so very proud to be your MOM.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Tu Habla Ingles??? Our trip to Puerto Rico!!!

I know you all have been patiently waiting for this bliggity blog. :) Our spring break in Puerto Rico could not have been more FUN. It was totally action packed and a complete blast. Imagine a Spanish speaking Hawaii, that's what Puerto Rico reminds me of.  We got tons of sun therapy and also went on some really awesome hikes.

This was a really cool waterfall that we hiked to. The kids were jumping off the cliffs and swimming. FUN!!!

My baby boy climbing up the rocks.
The hikes weren't the only thing to die for... The beaches were so beautiful.
Have you ever gotten a parking ticket with instructions entirely in Spanish? I still have no idea what to do with the ticket, I only know it was $15.00. If anyone ever comes after me for not paying it, my reply will be " no comprende espanol". Thankfully, my friend Arelis speaks espanol and was able to tell me it was for parking in the wrong spot and not to worry she has about 6 of them lying around her house. LMAO. Ordering food  through the drive thru window was pretty interesting especially when the person on the other end does not speak or understand English. How do you say muffin in Spanish? Thank goodness my friend was behind us in the line and so graciously descended from her vehicle to order our food.

Speaking of food... I have NEVER eaten so much fried food. Bacalaitos, crunchy cod fritters; surullitos, sweet plump cornmeal fingers; and empanadillas, crescent-shaped turnovers filled with chicken, crab, conch, or beef, plaintains(my favorite), and mofungo were some of the main cuisines.  I honestly think i could go the rest of the year without eating anything fried!

Aside from gaining at least 5 lbs, getting sun therapy, and hiking, we traveled to old San Juan. The kids got to fly kites at EL Morro. They had a blast!!!!!

Here's a picture of Old San Juan. Lots of shops and restaurants!!!
On the way to El Morro, sits this totally packed cemetery

The kids got to fly kites!!!!! There were tons of people flying kites there.

I love going to new places;there is always so much to see and learn. Its the ultimate adventure and I feel so blessed that this time we were able to spend it with great friends, who just happened to be the ultimate tour guides. Thank you so much Mike and Arelis!!! We really had a terrific time and quite honestly the pictures and this blog just don't do it justice. I will post more pictures (A LOT MORE) on facebook.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My BC/AC Personality Disorder.

I never thought growing up would be so hard, after all we dream about it from the time we  learn to play house. How many times do you remember saying to your parents..."I cant wait till Im an adult!", "I cant wait to move out of this house". We have all said it and at the time we really meant it. Then eventually it happens. LIFE happens. We are forced to get "real" jobs to pay our "real" bills. We fall in love, get married, and have children, not always in that order. :) Out of all these, children change our lives profoundly! We become role models to these awesome little beings. They watch every move we make, they hear every word we say, and we have a responsibility to society to not raise them to be disrepectful little brats.(Obviously some of us parents are better at this than others) I for one, have taken my job as a parent very seriously...dare I say too seriously.

I admit, Im a little extreme. I will sacrifice my happiness if I feel it is not condusive to my role as a mother. Repeatedly doing this has left me feeling pretty torn. I think every mother is essentially composed of two parts, BC and AC. (Before Children and After Children). While I LOVE being a mom, there are times I would just like to be that person I was before children. That person is not better or worse than the person I am today, its just a different person. A less responsible, more of a good time, kind of person. A person who doesnt really care if dinner is on the table before 6pm. A person who doesnt worry about the hangover I might ensue from a night of drinking. So Is it possible to be both?? Thats the question I find myself revisting. I have always believed the answer was NO. Once you become a mother there is no turning back. I think alot of women are feeling this way. Is it fair or necessary that we lose some of our "fun selves". I love that part of me just as much as a love being a mother.

I am a good parent, so I will ultimately lean towards my super responsible AC side. However, Im thinking I may just find a way to nuture that BC side seperately, at least some of its elements... I encourage all of you to do the same. You just never know...You may be better parents because of it!!!!! If you are already doing so...Hooray for you and please feel free to share your tips. :)

I mean could I be anything less than perfect for these two crazy awesome kids. :)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Bliggity Bloggity BLAH

***Caution.....this blog may depress you or piss you off ***

I'm finding it very hard to maintain my positiveness this week so I thought I would share my negativity.(You're welcome) I am just outright grumpy and disgruntled. Have you seen the price of damn gas? I am seriously over it! $3.50 a gallon, you have to be shitting me!! It makes me want to revolt and never by a damn gallon of gas again. I promise you that I would bike my ass to work or take public transportation if this was at all possible. However its not, because I work 50 miles away  and the south lags behind in the public transportation arena. I guess I could bike to work but I would have to leave 4 hours before my shift starts and quite frankly I just don't have that kind of time to allott to transportation purposes.

It's not enough that my family spend 700 bucks in gas a month, but we are also expected to pay more for our groceries, airfare, and dinners out. McDonald's has even raised their prices!!!! Our wages on the other hand, have either stayed the same or decreased.  Americans have always seen the U.S. as a powerhouse. Are we though??? We import billions of goods from China, outsource work to the Philippines, and depend on other countries for oil. We fight other countries battles while our own country falls apart. Compare the children in China to American children and you will find our kids are lagging drastically behind, yet because of budget cuts many states are going to a 4 day school week. This country is in some serious trouble. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!

Thanks for letting me rant ...feel free to put your two cents in, it may just make you feel better. :)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

My thoughts about Sundays!!!

Sunday.... we loathe it because it's an official reminder that our weekend is OVER!! Sunday simply says, "Haha, it's back to the grind tomorrow". Sunday reminds us that work,school, and deadlines, await us. With its laughter comes speed; it's always amazing how fast Sunday flies by!!! Yes, like the rest of you, I have been known to loathe Sunday... until recently that is.

My family and I have been spending our Sunday mornings at church. Ok before I go on, I want you to please place your right hand underneath your chin and push your mouth closed. Yes, I know it's shocking, especially to those that know me as the "non organized religion" type of girl. Even more shocking than me stepping foot into a church, is the fact that I truly enjoy going!!! It has changed Sundays for me! I look forward to Sunday. Sunday lately has brought a sense of clarity as well as peace within me. It's a feeling that is hard to describe. It's an awesome feeling, like the kind of feeling you have on the first day of your much needed vacation.

So Sunday is almost over and the week ahead is jam packed with things I have to get done, an interview I hope to ace, and trying to squeeze some exercise time in. Even knowing these things await me, I still feel relaxed and happy. I have spent my Sunday exactly as I have wanted. I feel at peace and ready for whatever the week brings me. HAPPY SUNDAY FRIENDS!!!!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Just a Reminder!!!!!

"We do not remember days; we remember moments"

There's nothing more exciting than having things to look forward to. I love the feeling that something new and exciting awaits me. Come to think of it, it's the one reason I LOVE moving. It's a fresh start, with new beginnings, and brand new experiences. Life is not about money,success, or material possessions, but is more about experiences and making memories.

If I could only leave one thing behind when I die, It would be happy memories. I hope my friends, family, and children remember the hysterical times of laughter we had together. I hope my children remember all of our travels and take away something important from each one of the places we've lived and all the different people we've met.

There are times when I get caught up in the hustle and bustle of this crazy thing called life. I focus on making more money, having a clean house,and just keeping life in order. This my friends, isn't what lifes about. People who truly love you, don't care if you make tons of money, have a clean house, or have everything together. So today I just wanted to remind all of you (and myself) to make the happiest memories you possibly can because they will be all that's left and all that really matters once you're gone.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Really Y'all????

You all know by now that Jacob is a pure genius, but on occasion he will come home from school telling me that he really doesn't understand what is being taught. As luck would have it, I am normally smarter than a 4th grader and can help him to understand. The week before last however, I proved that I was not smarter than a 4th grader.
I couldn't help the little man with his hmwk. I just didn't get it! Yes, I have 3 college degrees but I couldn't get "generalizing". I had Jason look at it, he didn't get it either. At this point, I did what I would like to think most parents would do, I emailed the teacher for help. She did not respond and to be honest, I just kind of forgot about it. Fast forward to this morning.... My son in tears because he still doesn't understand and he is going to be tested on Friday. Now for those of you that don't personally know my son, this may seem a little extreme, but Jacob is like me 100%. When he sets the bar, he sets it high. He doesn't want to ruin his straight A streak. I can completely relate!! Jacob and I don't do  "average".  I tell him not to worry and I will email the teacher.

Fast forward to her response.... "Y'all do not need to be stressing about the generalizations" Some kids get it and others don't. There will only be 2 questions on the test regarding generalizations so he shouldn't be so worried because even if he misses all of them, its only 2.."

Now my response.... First... Y'all isn't really a word that should  be used in an email to a parent. Second.. I really don't care if its one question or ten, my child is asking for help. I don't give a shit that the test only consists of 2 questions, when a child doesn't understand something... its your job to see that he understands it. 

Really? WTF? I'm left thinking.... This is why Alabama has earned its place in the top 10 states with the worst education system. Is this what we teach them? Don't worry about understanding it, you can still make a B. Eff that! Some people strive to understand, IMAGINE THAT. I really wanted to email her back just this one line


I know every school system has its bad and its good teachers.... but this to me is just pure laziness... and this is whats teaching your children but Hey Y'all..... Its OK to be average!!!!  :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

The apple doesnt fall far from the tree!!!!

All of you who know me well are very aware at just how super smart I am! Yes, its true that at one time "people"( you know who you are) convinced me  it was possible to take a ferry from Hawaii to Alaska, but nevertheless I'm smart! Not common sense smart, but the nerdy bookworm smart, the 3.96 college gpa smart!!!

I have been known a time or two (severe underestimation) to brag about how smart my children are. Jacob is in 4th grade and reads at an 8th grade level. Sierra whizzes through kindergarten homework( that my fellow parents complain is too hard) in a matter of 10 minutes. Yes, Ive said it time and time again.... My kids are smart. They're more than smart actually, they are the BEST! They have yet to disappoint me on any level. I can only help but be proud of what awesome human beings they are.

I never thought it was possible to be prouder of them than I already am, but today I realized it was possible. I got news today that Jacob was accepted into the gifted program and I could not be prouder of him. He is a great kid who has brought home straight A's without fail since the day he started Kindergarten. I was ecstatic that his hard work has paid off!!! Just wanted to share this great news with you guys and remind you one more time....."MY KIDS ARE SOOOO SMART"

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Happy 29th birthday to me! I decided this year  I would take over my grandmother's tradition of telling people she was 29 long after she really was. Doctors would ask her age, her reply, "29". Family would ask her age...."29". People would say" no really how old are you?"...her answer "29". So in her memory, I too am 29 and this is my 29th bday!!! What a bday it was!!!

Rating it on the birthday scale, I would give it a 7 out of 10. Seems a little harsh, but you will see that my score is justified. This morning on my birthday I had to make my own coffee. GASP! No eggs, bacon,or pancakes in this house. All I got was my own homemade coffee and a little argument on the side. When I say a little argument, I mean BIG. So we will fast forward my birthday to about 1100am when things started looking up.

We decided to go to Senior Bowl this year and this blog would not be complete without sharing my thoughts as well as pictures of my Senior Bowl experience.

Tailgating Anyone?????
Jacob decided he was tired of walking and hitched a ride with these two chicks.

 This is us before the game.....but after the tailgating (family friendly,of course)
 I got some really good pics of the player's butts during the warm up....definitely worth getting there early!
 Game time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah yes, the game. It would have been great...if we didnt have a bunch of uneducated, loudmouth, rednecks sitting in the stands behind us. Just to give you some insight... During the moment of silence, the loudmouth biatch behind me yells."They said moment of silence assholes". At this point I'm thinking that she is surely the biggest asshole there. Her boyfriend at the start of the game belts out with "the south is about to kick the north's ass again". Excuse me???? Maybe he should reread his history book or check out my previous blog. Arent some of the best colleges in the U.S. in the North? The "asshole" then procedes to scream the players names while the game is going on.."Greg! Greg! Greg!", over and over!!! I wanted to burst her bubble and tell her that even if Greg heard her, she didnt have a chance. :) By the end of the second quarter we had all we could take of alabama's finest and we left. It was pretty amusing to be up close and personal with guests of the Jerry Springer Show.

After the game (with free freak show on the side), my awesome family took me for some yummy sushi and chicken nuggets!!!! Yummo!

Dessert? A YUMMY cake from Publix (J got my age wrong again!).
We ended the night playing a little UNO flash! This birthday was eventful to say the least. Hope u guys enjoyed hearing about it as much as I enjoyed living it. :)