Stop and Smell the Flowers!!

Stop and Smell the Flowers!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Happy 29th birthday to me! I decided this year  I would take over my grandmother's tradition of telling people she was 29 long after she really was. Doctors would ask her age, her reply, "29". Family would ask her age...."29". People would say" no really how old are you?"...her answer "29". So in her memory, I too am 29 and this is my 29th bday!!! What a bday it was!!!

Rating it on the birthday scale, I would give it a 7 out of 10. Seems a little harsh, but you will see that my score is justified. This morning on my birthday I had to make my own coffee. GASP! No eggs, bacon,or pancakes in this house. All I got was my own homemade coffee and a little argument on the side. When I say a little argument, I mean BIG. So we will fast forward my birthday to about 1100am when things started looking up.

We decided to go to Senior Bowl this year and this blog would not be complete without sharing my thoughts as well as pictures of my Senior Bowl experience.

Tailgating Anyone?????
Jacob decided he was tired of walking and hitched a ride with these two chicks.

 This is us before the game.....but after the tailgating (family friendly,of course)
 I got some really good pics of the player's butts during the warm up....definitely worth getting there early!
 Game time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah yes, the game. It would have been great...if we didnt have a bunch of uneducated, loudmouth, rednecks sitting in the stands behind us. Just to give you some insight... During the moment of silence, the loudmouth biatch behind me yells."They said moment of silence assholes". At this point I'm thinking that she is surely the biggest asshole there. Her boyfriend at the start of the game belts out with "the south is about to kick the north's ass again". Excuse me???? Maybe he should reread his history book or check out my previous blog. Arent some of the best colleges in the U.S. in the North? The "asshole" then procedes to scream the players names while the game is going on.."Greg! Greg! Greg!", over and over!!! I wanted to burst her bubble and tell her that even if Greg heard her, she didnt have a chance. :) By the end of the second quarter we had all we could take of alabama's finest and we left. It was pretty amusing to be up close and personal with guests of the Jerry Springer Show.

After the game (with free freak show on the side), my awesome family took me for some yummy sushi and chicken nuggets!!!! Yummo!

Dessert? A YUMMY cake from Publix (J got my age wrong again!).
We ended the night playing a little UNO flash! This birthday was eventful to say the least. Hope u guys enjoyed hearing about it as much as I enjoyed living it. :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I've fallen....and I cant get up!!!!

OK, so I have fallen off the wagon!!!!! I don't really feel like Ive reached the deep dark abyss yet, just fallen off into a small ditch. I haven't been to the gym in 5 days!!! That's right people, 5 days!!! Not only have I not been to the gym, I've also not been counting my calories like a good little girl should.

I wish I had some great excuses, but quite frankly...I've got nuthin!!! Wait, Wait... I CAN think of a couple. Excuse #1.... I've been going to bed too late, only getting about 5 hrs of sleep, this makes it super hard to get your ass out of bed at 4am when everyone else in the family are all snuggled in their beds.
Excuse #2.... Its just too damn cold out. I thought I moved to the South where its supposed to be warm, yet I'm freezing my ass off.

That's it, those were my two excuses. Neither excuse explains why at this very moment I'm not at the gym. I managed to get a whopping 7 hours of sleep last night, got up at 415ish, got dressed for the gym, and then decided to put on a pot of coffee and blog about falling off the wagon!!!! So as my conscience tells me that I should have taken my lazy ass to the gym, there is something else telling me to try again next week and not a day before that! After all.... this week is almost over. :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Massachusetts Vs Bama ? Where would you raise your kids?

This morning, with coffee in hand, I approached my lovely 1995 Honda Civic eager to start my joyous 50 mile drive to work. (insert sarcasm when reading the word JOYOUS). Some days are really boring and others are entertaining. Usually I find great entertainment in driving my mother crazy with my 7am drama- filled phone calls. Today though, it was the radio, WABB to be exact, that made me overly giddy. Why is that you ask? Well im going to tell you...
The smartest kids in the country live in ........... MASSACHUSETTS!!!!!!
That's right... The damn yankees came out on top AGAIN!!! I love it! You all know I am from Massachusetts and I caught myself completely fist pumping when I heard this!!! Then my bubble kind of burst midway through a fist pump when I heard the states that were the worst in terms of smart kiddies.
Any guesses??? You guessed it...

Alabama wasnt completely at the bottom, that would be Mississippi. I couldnt shake the sadness that my children are being taught in a state that ranks among the worst in terms of breeding smart little Stacies and Jasons. Even sadder is the fact that we moved here from a state that was also at the bottom of the barrel, Hawaii. So now Im left asking myself.. Are my kids really that smart??? Its no wonder school is so easy for them. They may be gifted in Alabama and Hawaii but maybe they're only average in Massachusetts. 
OK,OK...We all know they are smarter than the average kid!!!

Now for those of you that are from the Alabama, Hawaii, or even Mississippi, dont get mad at me, Im just restating what I heard today!! Im sorry if I have devestated you as much as I was devastated today :( I will leave you with my only happy thought today:
Air Station Cape Cod is looking pretty darn good in 2013!!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My trip to Cali

For those of you that haven't heard, I have declared 2011, The Year of Stacie. What does this mean exactly and what does this have to do with my recent trip to Cali??? It means this year I'm going to focus on me. Too often we get caught up with the day to day life of being a mom and a wife. We put our wants, desires, and needs to the side. We give up having fun in exchange for more responsibility. We lose friendships, because we are simply to busy to nurture them. Its really unfortunate. This year I need to take time for me....which brings me to my recent trip.

I decided to take a trip by myself to see one of my very bestest friends,Sarah! Sarah and I met in Hawaii and we just clicked. You know what I mean? I didn't have to "work" at trying to be her friend. I loved her  personality from the moment I met her.  I love the fact that she talks just as much as I do. (Maybe More..jk) Although we haven't seen each other in almost two years it was as if I still lived down the street from her. We had every intention of seeing the sights of San Fran and we did see some, but in all honesty, we spent the day drinking in a bar having some really good conversation. I wouldn't trade my friend fun for anything...not even the sea lions at pier 39.

I'm glad I took some ME time to focus on something that is important to me.. my friends. Friend time is so therapeutic. I'm looking forward to doing it again!! I leave you with pictures of my therapy session in Cali.

Fondue Friday!!!

Complete W/ Pickled Beer......

 First Stop!!!!

San Fran!

While You sip....U can hang your clothes to dry!

 Awesome Bar.. I recommend stopping in

Favorite Pic!!!
Going back home!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Weight Loss Where Are You???

When I made the resolution to lose weight this year, I really meant it. So for weeks now I have been religiously hitting the gym. I have been running (which for the record, I really HATE), stair climbing, ellipticalling it up, and even doing weights. Did I mention I am also religiously counting calories too? With the exception of too much beer this weekend, I have been faithful to my efforts. Every Monday I step on the scale to see my hard work pay off. Total weight loss as of today... GET READY..... .06 lbs.

Seriously???? What in the hell is going on here??? I  find myself feeling super frustrated and betrayed by my damn scale. I thought about replacing the scale altogether to see if that would make a difference, but I've decided against it. Instead, I've decided just to say goodbye to my beloved friend Scale altogether. NAHNAHNAHNAHEYHEYGOODBYE

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Goodbye 2010!!!! Hello 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!

2011 is going to bring many many changes,this blog being one of them. I have been inspired to bliggity blog by my friend Sarah and the fact that I love to write about nothing!!!! So here's my nothingness for today. I'm thinking 2011 HAS to better than 2010. What a year! It has been to say the least, a hellacious roller coaster ride!!!

In light of being more positive in 2011, I will fill you in on the highlights of 2010. I finally after a whole year of being unemployed found a job. For those of you that know me well, you know my days often consist of bitching about my job. Well friends....NO MORE. Not being able to find a job for a year has humbled me.  I am super thankful that I have a job!!!! I can look back now and see that being unemployed gave me opportunities that I wouldn't have had. I got to spend more time with the kiddies and went back to school and got my bachelors degree.

2010 has taught me and many others(much to our discontent) what the word BUDGET means. As much as I hate it sometimes, I have learned not to be so frivolous in my spending. I'm thinking this may only mean positive gains to my future. Speaking of futures.....2010 marked 10 wonderful years with Jason! It doesn't seem like 10 years....more like 2 or 3. I'm guessing this is a good sign. :) Lastly, both my children proved to be exceptional students in 2010, straight A's. I'm so proud of both of them.

So onto 2011...with a much different attitude. I feel blessed in so many ways. My eyes have been opened to the importance of friendships, family, and fun; Looking forward to bliggity blogging about each and every one of them!! Till next time...................