Yesterday marked the last day of my 30 day Paleo challenge. What do you think I did today? No, I didn't run for the nearest brownie or a big slice of cheese pizza. In fact, I ate the exact way I've eaten for the last 30 days.
You wanna know my results right? I know you do....but you'll have to wait. First, I just want you to listen (read) what I've learned over the last 30 days.
I've learned:
1. When I make my mind up about something I follow through without fail!
2. I look forward to salads, I used to hate them
3. Brownies don't have the appeal they once did
4. Diet Coke is essentially poison.
5. Eating healthy is expensive but not eating healthy will cost you a lot more in the long run.
6.You get more bang for your calories if you choose to eat the right things.
7. The food you put in your body determines how much energy you have.
8. People are negative about things they don't understand... It's not just a diet, it's a lifestyle. If you choose not to do it, I will not judge you,so don't judge me!
Let me elaborate a little further on number 8. Many of you feel I don't need to lose any weight because I'm already too skinny; I just want to say you've never seen me naked or even in a bathing suit for that matter. Every time you scold me about being too skinny, losing too much weight, or turning down junk food, I'm secretly flipping you the finger! I've thought many times that the next time you say something to me about my weight I'm just going to flash you with my stomach, maybe that will shut you up. I by no means think I'm obese. I know I am at a healthy weight. I also knew I needed to clean up my diet to get optimal results. I have religiously counted calories and worked out consistently for the last two years, it works but without the proper diet the results are not optimal.
Now that that's out of the way. (Drumroll please)
In 30 days, I lost 7.8 lbs and 4.5 inches. I feel healthier than I've ever felt! I've been able to stop my blood pressure medication. I'm no longer struggling to stay within a certain number of calories, I just eat when I'm hungry, I just choose the right foods. You know what I'm talking about right? Nothing processed, nothing in a box, whole yummy natural foods! My hubs also lost weight, 12 lbs and 6 inches in 30 days. He too feels awesome! While I won't judge you for not eating the right foods , I would encourage and even challenge you to eat Paleo for 30 days, you will be amazed how you feel when those 30 days are up! Thank you to my buds Ana and Sarah who encouraged me to try it and answered all my questions. I owe you girls!
Here's to a happy healthy life!!!
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