Stop and Smell the Flowers!!

Stop and Smell the Flowers!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Puppy Update!

Can you say freakin nightmare? I surely can! I don't know what the hell I was thinking, because prior to this week, I had a great life. Two great kids, a great husband, great friends, and a great dog. Please tell me why I did not listen to all of you who pleaded with me NOT to get the puppy.

Let me tell you what my week of the new dog has been like. Jason goes to pick up the puppy from getting spade, when he gets there he is told the pup has kennel cough and is given antibiotics. No problem, right? He also notes the puppy is scratching so I stop at the vet and pick up some flea medicine. We put the medicine on, play with "Julie". Like all pups, she decides she has to do a number 2, guess what we find? Tapeworms. Disgusting. I make an appt to take her to the vet. The evening finally ends with me seeing fleas swarm her head and non stop barking when I put her in her crate for the evening. Definitely not the happy exciting day I thought it would be.  *sigh*.

Fast forward past the dewormer the vet gives me and the bombing of my house, just in case any fleas didn't die. Julie becomes so ill on Friday that I have to take her back to the vet. She is not eating or drinking ,or playing, and she has blood in her stool. I personally was thinking parvo. I was pretty upset about it. I was put at ease however,  when the vet told me she didn't have parvo, but its likely just the kennel cough. $151.00 bucks later, I'm sent home with two cans of food and another antibiotic, she was also given an injectable antibiotic. 

Two days later, she doesn't seem to be getting better. She is peeing in her crate which is frustrating bc I thought dogs would not do this. The accidents in my house are few, mainly because she is never out of my sight, which is exhausting in itself. The barking in the crate has subsided some, but she is persistent with the barking at 5 a.m., when she is letting me know she is ready to get out of the crate. Its only been a week, and I cant help but think I've made a HUGE mistake. This dog is not only sick, but is also wreaking havoc on my once "normal" easy life *sigh* Don't any of you DARE say "I told you so"!

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