Stop and Smell the Flowers!!

Stop and Smell the Flowers!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Goodbye 2010!!!! Hello 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!

2011 is going to bring many many changes,this blog being one of them. I have been inspired to bliggity blog by my friend Sarah and the fact that I love to write about nothing!!!! So here's my nothingness for today. I'm thinking 2011 HAS to better than 2010. What a year! It has been to say the least, a hellacious roller coaster ride!!!

In light of being more positive in 2011, I will fill you in on the highlights of 2010. I finally after a whole year of being unemployed found a job. For those of you that know me well, you know my days often consist of bitching about my job. Well friends....NO MORE. Not being able to find a job for a year has humbled me.  I am super thankful that I have a job!!!! I can look back now and see that being unemployed gave me opportunities that I wouldn't have had. I got to spend more time with the kiddies and went back to school and got my bachelors degree.

2010 has taught me and many others(much to our discontent) what the word BUDGET means. As much as I hate it sometimes, I have learned not to be so frivolous in my spending. I'm thinking this may only mean positive gains to my future. Speaking of futures.....2010 marked 10 wonderful years with Jason! It doesn't seem like 10 years....more like 2 or 3. I'm guessing this is a good sign. :) Lastly, both my children proved to be exceptional students in 2010, straight A's. I'm so proud of both of them.

So onto 2011...with a much different attitude. I feel blessed in so many ways. My eyes have been opened to the importance of friendships, family, and fun; Looking forward to bliggity blogging about each and every one of them!! Till next time...................

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