Rating it on the birthday scale, I would give it a 7 out of 10. Seems a little harsh, but you will see that my score is justified. This morning on my birthday I had to make my own coffee. GASP! No eggs, bacon,or pancakes in this house. All I got was my own homemade coffee and a little argument on the side. When I say a little argument, I mean BIG. So we will fast forward my birthday to about 1100am when things started looking up.
We decided to go to Senior Bowl this year and this blog would not be complete without sharing my thoughts as well as pictures of my Senior Bowl experience.
Tailgating Anyone?????
Jacob decided he was tired of walking and hitched a ride with these two chicks.
This is us before the game.....but after the tailgating (family friendly,of course)
I got some really good pics of the player's butts during the warm up....definitely worth getting there early! Game time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah yes, the game. It would have been great...if we didnt have a bunch of uneducated, loudmouth, rednecks sitting in the stands behind us. Just to give you some insight... During the moment of silence, the loudmouth biatch behind me yells."They said moment of silence assholes". At this point I'm thinking that she is surely the biggest asshole there. Her boyfriend at the start of the game belts out with "the south is about to kick the north's ass again". Excuse me???? Maybe he should reread his history book or check out my previous blog. Arent some of the best colleges in the U.S. in the North? The "asshole" then procedes to scream the players names while the game is going on.."Greg! Greg! Greg!", over and over!!! I wanted to burst her bubble and tell her that even if Greg heard her, she didnt have a chance. :) By the end of the second quarter we had all we could take of alabama's finest and we left. It was pretty amusing to be up close and personal with guests of the Jerry Springer Show.
After the game (with free freak show on the side), my awesome family took me for some yummy sushi and chicken nuggets!!!! Yummo!

We ended the night playing a little UNO flash! This birthday was eventful to say the least. Hope u guys enjoyed hearing about it as much as I enjoyed living it. :)