Stop and Smell the Flowers!!

Stop and Smell the Flowers!!

Thursday, February 28, 2013


Just two weeks into it and i realized I had some major milestones this past week! Wanted to just share them with you. Short and sweet, PROMISE,

1. I am now drinking black coffee and I actually like the taste! When I first started this challenge i thought almond milk would surfice as a creamer substitute. It didn't, I thought it watered it down. So then I tried coconut milk, another EPIC fail. What's a girl to do? I considered doing what a lot of Paleoans do...make a small exception but... Well I am determined. I switched to tea. I can totally drink tea black, problem solved. THEN... I just missed my coffee. In my desperation for REAL caffeine, I grabbed a cup of black coffee. Huh, it's not that bad I thought. Here I am 3 days later drinking it and enjoying it!

2. I turned down cake this week! Cake! Chocolate cake! It's not as if I've NEVER turned down cake before but this time was different because I actually DID NOT want it. It did not even appeal to me. Who would have thunk it?

3. Americans revolve EVERYTHING around food, this is not a milestone but more of a revalation of sorts. Think about it! Birthday party? hmmm I wonder if they are going to have food and I wonder if they will have that awesome crack dip I love so much. Beach day? Lets bring some yummy subs and my favorite buffalo chips! Game night? Drinks and appetizers. Its never good for you foods! Just think about it....

Ok... Maybe this wasn't as short as first intended but the thought was TOTALLY there!