Stop and Smell the Flowers!!

Stop and Smell the Flowers!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Parents Who are Proud of Themselves!!

Why do parents feel the need to log onto facebook to post what great parents they are? I'm seeing this more and more, and quite frankly I'm disgusted. Anyone who has to announce "I'm the greatest parent in the world" isn't. Great parents don't know they're great, in fact great parents often feel like they're never great enough. I will brag all day long about my children's accomplishments but you will NEVER see ME post a comment about what a great mom I am. 

Don't get me wrong, I think I'm a decent mom and I've met way worse than I, but I am not foolish enough to think I'm great. Every night after my children are in bed I think about whether I was a  "good enough" mom for the day. Did I really listen to them when they told me about their day or was I distracted by my phone, the dogs, or the dirty house? Some days I'm fortunate enough to say I have listened, other days... not so much. Everyday I reflect back on whether or not a showered them with enough hugs, kisses, and I love you's. Some days I'm satisfied and some days I'm not.  Every night before I fall asleep I vow to do better. I vow to be a better mom tomorrow than I was today. When the reality is........ I will never feel like I have been a perfect parent. Its just an impossible task.

That's why these "bragging parents" kill me. They don't brag about the kids, nope, they brag about their parenting skills. I can say that those I know personally, are bragging out of insecurity. One parent goes on and on to brag how he is a single dad and has raised his daughter when the reality is his daughter has only lived with him for 6 months and up until that point he's never been a stable fixture in her life. He was too busy screwing around on her mother. Gimme a break; get over yourself! The only people who can attest to your parenting skills are your children! If your children become well rounded, well mannered, successful adults who know how to live, love, and laugh, then and only then, may you give yourself a pat on the back. However, that pat would be much more meaningful if that child you raised was the one giving it to you; that my friends means you not only have done your job, but you did it awesomely!

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