Stop and Smell the Flowers!!

Stop and Smell the Flowers!!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Just some thoughts....

What happened in CT is heartbreaking. Losing a Child is in my opinion the worst thing that could happen to a parent and I'm deeply saddened for these families. With that being said, we the people are the problem. It's not guns and it's not because we don't allow god in our schools. We as people have abandoned morals,values, honesty, kindness, and love. Parents have become lazy. We no longer teach our children the value of life, respect for others, and the importance of giving back to society. Instead we teach them to love things not people, that more is always better, and that people who are different are somehow less than.

What can we expect in a world that has lost it's values? We can expect a world that's deeply in debt, a world that is always in conflict, and people who will act irrationally because they don't value another human beings life or their own for that matter. We are not vigilant. When tragedy strikes due to one persons hand, we find there were always signs that lead up to the act. The person was withdrawn, a loner, etc,etc. It is our job as a society and as parents to be aware of the signs and try to intervene in some way. If your child shows signs of being a loner, withdrawn, or "different", it's your job to get to the root of the problem whether you do it personally or professionally.

I feel sorry for my kids; they have far too much to worry about. When I was a kid, we worried about getting grounded for a bad grade or being out past curfew. Kids today are worried about the world ending, zombie apocalypses, and whether or not their school is safe from shooters. It's sad! If we as Americans don't wake the fuck up and realize the real root of the problem we will be doomed. We as people will take each other out, our country will no longer be considered a powerhouse, and we will continue to be victims of such heinous crimes. I think it's time to change.... Really change.